Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The Fates Are Against Me

So far in my endevours to move back to Utah, I have met with a reasonable level of success. To wit: I have a job, a place to live, and enough people to help me move.

Yes, I can't help but feel that the fates are against me. Vis-a-vis, the U-Haul (all rights reserved) truck that I rented, while more then adequate to the task at hand, has one shining drawback.

As you may or may not be aware, U-Haul, in an endevour, no doubt, to make America's highways brighter and more friendly, paint state advertising on the side accompanied by something that represents in some what that state. Such as a giant cow for Wyoming. Or perhaps a shoot-out riot for L.A. You know, something cheery.

I got Hawaii.

Hawaii is apparently an evil state.

Why, you may be asking yourself, is Hawaii evil?

Well, I was unaware of the state that I had gotten until I was filling the tank with gasoline (at Michigan's equitable rate of $1.98 this week). What should I see but an EVIL, GIANT, EVIL, GREEN, EVIL SPIDER on the side. This yielded instant sweat, a desire to flee the situation and an irrational need to jump away and scream like a little school girl!!

The latter I did immediately.

It's what I do, OK senator!

For thoseof you who aren't aware, I have a phobia.

A phobia is marked by an IRRATIONAL FEAR of some thing, situation or object. This IRRATIONAL FEAR extended to anything associated with that thing, situations or object. Mine happens to be spiders, and in the vernacular is referred to as arachnophobia. Many people ask me why I am scared of spiders and I reply, "I don't know. It's an IRRATIONAL fear. That's why it's called a phobia."

That are, of course, "cures" for phobias, such as graduated exposure. But the thing about phobias is that you generally attempt to AVOID any situations that would spark the fear. Thus, I AVOID going to any kind of therapy where I would be exposed to spiders. (Even typing the word gives me small shivers of discomfort).

So, at the end of the say, I have a U-Haul (all rights reserved) truck with a giant spider painted on it. This will be fine, I suppose, if I don't think about it too much. And fortunately I won't have to drive the damnable truck for more then four to six hours at a stint.

I will survive.

But why is Hawaii so evil? Why, why, why!?!


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