Friday, November 19, 2004

First Post

First posts are so tricky, aren't they?

Especially when undertaking a Blog for the first time.

There's all this pressure knowing that so many other Blogs, like big-time magazine publishers, have ten or even twenty people reading them. Sometimes on a weekly basis!

It's a frightening prospect for someone who's had to beg or alternately threaten violence, usually in the same conversation, to get anything read.

I now know what it's like to be Hunter S. Thompson, except without the fame and the money.

Today I was just randoming checking out some of the nice folk that I know and love at SF-FANDOM. That would be the forum that I help moderator and administrate. I stumbled into Boomer's (aka Boomstick, aka Mark Fortin) blog.

It was nice to read something that someone I knew wrote, but that was totally unrelated to the politics and the policies of the forum.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a big fan of the forums. Probably because I carry one of the biggest hammers on the forum. After all, what's the point of power if you aren't going to abuse it? And believe you me, every chance I get, I'm crushing the souls of the innocent and the naive with my big hammer.

But Boomer's blog was just so raw and honest. It was a nice change to see someone use the term "bitch" and mean it in that lovely sense of "I hate you and wish you physical and emotional pain" sense. Also, without my having to worry that some child was going to see that, and SF-FANDOM would be getting a nasty email regarding out lack of moderation. Or worrying about editing the post, sending a nice-but-firm email to the individual, getting some angry retort back, and having to smile while I wrote a response, once again stating that I'm just doing my job, just enforcing the policy, just maintaing the forum for everyone and not just them.

I can, at those times, sympathize with Atlas. Of course, Atlas is busy carrying a larger burden than I do, but metaphorically speaking, Atlas and I are brothers.

Or at least distant cousins several times removed from completely different families.

So, here's my first blog ever. I've been left standing on the Blog train station, ticket in hand, rain pouring down on my fedora and overcoat while the engines pulls away, leaving me there. But here it is, in all it's late-bloom glory.


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