Thursday, June 01, 2006

And Here's Why I Believe in Horoscopes

I am a Leo. (Also known as "Lion")

My Horroscope starts like this:
" From the early age, Leos are inclined towards drunkennes and extortion. When it comes to anything else, they show a remarkable degree of laziness. As a child, a Leo will typically demand a lot of money from parents, then from friends and even casual aquaintances.

His overly developed pride and narcissism can ruin the life of anyone who he has come into even passing contact with, while his gluttony is capable of bankrupting even the deepest set of pockets. Amazingly, even though Leos eat a lot and without stop, they never gain any weight.

They like to have the world revolve around them, which is why they strive to be the best at anything they do. If they are not successful at this, they will languish and lose weight.

A Leo's dominant character traits are usually an unshakable delusion of grandure and an elevated feeling of self-importance.

Find yours


At 9:49 AM, Blogger Angela (Cockrellites:) said...

So that's why you say we owe you money everytime we call!

At 12:58 PM, Blogger RobRoy said...

Usually, I say that to everyone. In this case, though, it's true. And you'd better pay up, or we'll put you to work in our garden!

At 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your aware of course that you would only believe this because a stranger said it. If, for instance, a younger male sibling had been saying it for years, you would probably ignore them like cave fish ignore light. Possibly like cave fish.

At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nuts. The Above was Jamie.

At 9:48 AM, Blogger RobRoy said...

Apparently, there is truth for you Capricorns as well:

"Intellectually primitive, lacking any semblance of imagination, he is nevertheless vengeful to the extreme - the word "forgiveness" is not in his vocabulary."

Oh, and you owe me money too!


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