Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Thought Occurs

In trying to prove that God is a "jerk" or even "evil", most folk use the Bible to reflect contradictions of God's stance on events, circumstances, efforts, etc. It occured to me yesterday that any evidence being used to prove the cruel and arbitrary nature of God comes almost exclusively from a document (series of documents) which would require that:

A) You believe there is a God, and

B) You believe that His/Her/Its actions are being accurately recorded by the "witnesses".

Rejection of any one means rejection of the evidence being used to prove the point altogether, which most people who are trying to prove the God-as-jerk theme have already done.

Hey, fun with argumentation logic!


At 3:21 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Having fun in your old age? I find arguing with the TV is a fun passtime. Lousy TV.

At 2:46 PM, Blogger RobRoy said...

Back in my day, we didn't have TV. We just had a box, and you had to use your imagination. And that's the way we liked it!


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