Thursday, July 24, 2008

Die Prop 8! Die! Die!

First, the name is wrong. Instead of calling it the "California Marriage Protection Act" they should call it the "California We're Scared of Homosexuals and would Rather Not Treat Them as Human Beings Act". Because that's what it is.

If they wanted to protect marriage, they would make people take tests, prove their ability to be a good spouse, hold down a regular job, be a good and supportive parent, and limit who could and couldn't get married on a whim.

That would protect marriage.

This only furthers the divide, promotes homophobic attitudes, and silently supports hate-crimes. This makes second-class citizens of people. This is intollerance at its finest.

Fortunately, California's majority seems to be aware of this. Here's the latest on Prop 8, for which I'm happy.


At 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they wanted to protect marriage, they would ..... limit who could and couldn't get married on a whim.

Indeed, I agree with you. Limiting who can marry does protect marriage. That's what Prop. 8 does.

We should expect married people to be good parents and good spouses. Stable families are basic in a free society.

At 11:35 AM, Blogger RobRoy said...

Your agreement is misguided. Prop 8 doesn't protect anything. It sets out to establish a basis for discrimination similar to anti-miscegenation laws of pre-Civil Rights America, Apartheid
South Africa, and Nazi Germany. It was wrong then, and it's wrong now.

However, you are right regarding expectations of married folk. Every couple, regardless of sexual preference, should be good parents and good spouses. They should be allowed the stability that marriage is reported to bring, and know that their resources, their children (natural or adopted) and their relationships are protected under the same laws provided for all peoples equally.


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