Monday, March 17, 2008

New PR

First, here was this comment from the weekend:

Me: Babe, when you're done reading the Stephen King article from the EW, will you tear it out for me?
Lil: Why, was it that good?
Me: I don't know, I haven't read it yet.
Lil: (puzzled look)
Me: There's a huge, freaking spider on the next page's advertisement and I can't even touch the damn thing.
Lil: There, there. I'll help you, poor, little guy.
Me: (collapses into a quivering heap)

Now, onto my real news: the 2008 Coyote Challenge 5k.

Overall - 39th
Time - 22:56
Age Division - 3rd

Now, while third place is nice and all, and another age division victory for me (once again, I didn't attend the awards ceremony . . . perhaps that's a sign), it's really the bolded time that's important here. Since I've been training for 5Ks as of, whatever, 13 months ago, this is a new personal record (PR) for me. This puts me running 7:24 splits on my miles.

So, say it with me now: Wooo-FREAKING-Hooo!

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