Wednesday, May 16, 2007


To coin a phrase, "I'm cookoo for Cocoa Puffs!"

Except that instead of a sugary breakfast cereal lacking in most nutritional value including the milk once it sucks up all those chemical supplements and preservatives, I'm talking about building cartoons.

Some of the cartoons are really, really, really bad. Feel free to replace "really" with "damn" and you'll get the same concept. Scatalogical and base sexual/homophobic humor abounds, but there are the rare gems.

I'm still building my comic toolkit, and I've talked with the administrators of the site, so I hope to provide more than just the standard three poses I've been using. In the meantime, I've tried to keep my own humor in the mix, but I've done a couple of homages just for kicks.


At 9:54 AM, Blogger Whiskey Tango said...

Man, how can you dis Cocoa Puffs? That's just mean, man, it's mean.

At 9:59 AM, Blogger RobRoy said...

Hey, it's not like I shot your alligator suitcase full of Armani suits. How do you get the suits out of the aligator?


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