Tuesday, May 22, 2007

An Immodest Proposal

Today, I came across this article which describes an online event where a girl offered up her body for a virtual "Epic Flying Mount".

Now, I've never really been that big into the MMORPG scene. In fact, I had to look up the term in order to use it here as some form of credibility in this particular article. That should establish my lack of involvement in such things. Back in my day, we only had MUDs and MUSHs. They were entirely text-based, your fingers would bleed just logging in and that's the way we liked it!

I did have friends who tried to lure me into EverQuest, and I played a monk who managed to get to level something, but then they changed the computer requirements and I wasn't willing to upgrade my computer just to play a game, so I cancelled.

Also, it annoyed me to have most conversations revolve around the playing of EverQuest. Terms like "camp" and "stack" "epic" and "non-melee damage" just didn't appeal to me for some reason. Apparently, I only hold a gold-level Nerd Card. Even now, Firefly is fading from the public conscious, which places my nerd skills on shaky ground.

Still, my faith in humanity, or rather lack-there-of, is once again renewed by the girl who had to have her flying mount. Proof that the Apocolypse came and went and now I'm living in Hell on Earth . . . with cookies.


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